DearDermMarin Collagen Essence Toner with Witch Hazel
250ml - 8.45 fl.oz
Marinecollagen is collagen sourced from marine life, usually fish scales or skin,rather than a bovine source. It is often found in the form of collagenpeptides. Collagen peptides, also known as hydrolyzed collagen, is a form ofcollagen processed to be soluble in cold water and easily digestible. WitchHazel is known to be an amazing skin care astringent. It also has known forshrinking pores, reducing inflammation and improving skin tone.
Howto use:
Aftercleansing, pour a few drops onto a cotton pad or on the palm of your hand.
Gentlypat or sweep onto face and chin area until fully absorbed. Apply a properamount of DearDerm Ample Serum onto the face and neck and gently spread withthe palm of your hand to absorb.
Features & details
- DearDerm Marin Collagen Essence Toner with Witch Hazel 250 ml / 8.45 fl.oz
- SKIN ELASTICITY/ MOISTURIZING / REGENERATION - Marine collagen is collagen sourced from marine life, usually fish scales or skin, rather than a bovine source. It is often found in the form of collagen peptides.
- Collagen peptides, also known as hydrolyzed collagen, is a form of collagen processed to be soluble in cold water and easily digestible. Witch Hazel is known to be an amazing skin care astringent. It also has known for shrinking pores, reducing inflammation and improving skin tone.
- How to use: After cleansing, pour a few drops onto a cotton pad or on the palm of your hand.
- Gently pat or sweep onto face and chin area until fully absorbed. Apply a proper amount of DearDerm Ample Serum onto the face and neck and gently spread with the palm of your hand to absorb.